Holistic Remedies for Everyday Kids and Babies
December 15 2022 – Shannon Esau
Have you ever looked at the ingredients in the products you purchase at the drug store and use on your little ones?
Many contain harmful preservatives, synthetic fragrance, artificial dyes, phthalates and more. Skin Rehab offers healthy, holistic alternatives for your at-home medicine cabinet, safe to use on kids too.
Cuts and Abrasions
A common aliment especially with the kiddos. We know that falls and collisions happen resulting in scraped knees and elbows, maybe cuts and bruises on arms, legs, even the face. These injuries need to be treated quickly to reduce bacteria and assist in healing damaged tissue, reducing the risk of scaring.
To treat these wounds, we want to start by cleansing the skin with our Skin Rehab Refreshing Gel Cleanse and warm water. Gentle clean area removing any dirt or debris and pat skin dry.
Next, apply Vital Wound Relief. The blend of holistic herbs including Calendula, Butcher’s Broom and Willow Herb provide immediate antiseptic support, while increasing circulation at the wound site, promoting healing.
Vital Wound Relief replaces Neosporin, Polysporin, A+D First Aid Ointment in your medicine cabinet. Those other formulas contain harmful preservatives, synthetic fragrance, ingredients we want to avoid on traumatized skin.
Concerned about scarring? Growth Factor Plus has a high concentration of epidermal growth factors to speed up the healing time, plus chondroitin to assist in reducing inflammation at the wound site, reducing the risk of scarring. This incredible product replaces the need for Mederma KIDS, which contains synthetic fragrance and parabens.
You’ll want to cleanse and treat the wound with Vital Wound Relief twice a day until healed. If concerned about scarring introduce Growth Factor Plus by applying under Vital Wound Relief, twice a day until healed.
Diaper Rash and Changing's
Sometimes no matter how careful we are with babies, diaper rash seems to set in. This inflammation can cause much discomfort to your baby and depending on what you are using, you may be introducing other harmful ingredients.
If diaper rash is present start by cleansing the baby’s skin with warm water and a clean washcloth. If the rash is extremely irritated, apply a small amount of Calming Skin Gel to the affected area.
Calming Skin Gel contains 1% hydrocortisone plus additional botanical extracts to immediately relieve irritation and inflammation. Follow up with Vital Wound Relief and a little Pro Salve to create an occlusive protective barrier while promoting healing of tissue.
Pro Salve is a healthy alternative to Aquaphor or A+D First Aid Ointment, two very common products used to treat diaper rash, but without the risk of mineral oil, parabens and synthetic fragrance – all ingredients that could potentially increase sensitivity.
If your baby isn’t struggling with diaper rash, you can use the Vital Wound Relief and Pure Omega together in between every changings to help keep skin soft and protected.
It’s easy for us to think that companies would never use anything harmful that is meant for little ones!
Look at adding our Holistic Relief Collection next to your changing table or in your medicine cabinet at home and trust in the clean, pure formulations of Skin Rehab.