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What Does “Holistic” Really Mean?

December 15 2022 – Shannon Esau

What Does “Holistic” Really Mean?
What Does “Holistic” Really Mean?

 You may be asking what does the word holistic mean?  According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary the definition of holistic is “relating to or concerned with wholes or the complete system rather than the analysis of, or treatment dissected into parts.” 


When we look at our Skin Rehab brand, the term holistic means to treat more than just the symptoms, but to look at the whole body with a healing approach. 


That is what you’ll find with our formulations, they go behind just addressing the superficial symptoms associated with skin traumas.  They offer cellular healing, skin strengthening support, and of course the alleviation of discomfort. 


Skin Traumas


There are many ways we experience traumatized skin.  We may initially think of when we receive an aesthetic procedure like a chemical peel, micro-needling, or laser treatment.  However, traumas can result from burns, cuts and abrasions, rashes, bug bites, surgical wounds, seasonal stresses, even medications and medical conditions.  Treating not just the wound but focusing on ingredients that help strengthen the integrity of the skin is key. 


Holistic Ingredients for Healthy Formulations


The Skin Rehab line is infused with repairing, cell-strengthening actives alongside, soothing, healing botanical extracts, vitamins, amino acids and nutrients. 


Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol)

  • Superior form of vitamin E that has been chirally-corrected
  • Reduces healing time
  • Stimulates skin immunity
  • Heals scar tissue


Omega EFAs

  • Play a crucial role in tissue regeneration
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Moisturizes and hydrates skin
  • Strengthens cell membrane


Epidermal Growth Factors

  • Powerful protein
  • Boosts cellular regeneration
  • Increases cell-strengthening
  • Promotes healing of damaged tissue


Plant Stem Cells

  • Protects the function of skin stem cells
  • Repairs damage at the cellular level
  • Promotes longevity of cells


Bisabolol Extract

  • Reduces redness
  • Increases anti-microbial support
  • Decreases inflammation at wound site


Arnica Montana Extract

  • Soothes sore tissue
  • Decreases bruising
  • Alleviates swelling and tenderness in skin



  • A potent amino acid
  • Speeds healing of wounded tissue



Ways to Incorporate Skin Rehab Post Procedure and at Home


These specialized formulations are excellent to use post aesthetic procedures.  They assist in wound healing, cellular strengthening, and reducing any discomforts or irritations that may arise.


Did you know they are also great to have in your medicine cabinet at home?  Our Holistic Relief Collection is great to alleviate common skin aliments like bug bites, burns and rashes.


Our formulas leave out the toxins and skin irritating ingredients, focusing on healing and strengthening.  They are also beneficial for those experiencing skin problems like dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis.  As well as those struggling with dry, chapped, fissured skin due to certain medications, cancer treatment therapies, or even a dramatic change in the season. 


Heal and restore your traumatized skin with our holistic apothecary of formulas!